Temperature: 86.6°F |
Wind: NE 0 Bft Calm 0.0 mph |
Rain: today 0.00 in |
Humidity: 49% |
Pressure: Falling Slowly 29.77 inHg |
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Few Clouds | |
Hot Feels like: 89°F |
High | Low | |
Today: | 86.6°F (11:52 am) | 61.3°F (6:12 am) |
Yesterday: | 88.6°F (3:59 pm) | 57.1°F (5:58 am) |
Month: | 94.2°F | 49.7°F |
Year: | 94.2°F | -2.6°F |
Last year: | 94.9°F (2:37 pm) | 67.8°F (6:15 am) |
Records/today: | 99.0°F (1911) | 44.0°F (1913) |
Normals/today: | 80.0°F | 60.0°F |
Rain Today:0.00 in
Rain Rate/hr:0.00 in
Yesterday:0.00 in
This Month:0.00 in
Season Total:13.56 in
0.0 mph
0 Bft
0.0 mph
Gust today:
6.0 mph
at 10:45 am
Sun: 5:40 am 8:48 pm
Daylight hh:mm 15:08 (+ 1 minute)
Moon: 8:51 pm 6:03 am
Full Moon, 100% Illuminated
Humidity: 49%
Dew Point: 65.0°F
Barometer: 29.77 inHg
Trend: Falling Slowly
902 W/m2
High: 904 @ 11:52 am
Good | Moderate | Unhealthy-Sensitive Groups | Unhealthy | Very Unhealthy | Hazardous |
Current | O3 | 35 | Good | ||||||
2017-06-09 | O3 | 50 | Good | ||||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | ||||
Forecast issued at: Friday Jun 9 2017 |
Friday | Saturday | Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday |
8.7 | 9.4 | 9.6 | 10.0 | 10.2 | 8.7 |
Very high | Very high | Very high | Very high | Very high | Very high |
UV forecast courtesy of and Copyright © KNMI/ESA (www.temis.nl). Used with permission. - script v3: by Wim van der Kuil - Leuven-Template.eu |
Friday | Friday Night |
Saturday | Saturday Night |
Sunday | Sunday Night |
Monday | Monday Night |
Tuesday | Tuesday Night |
Clear | Clear | Partly cloudy | Partly cloudy | Partly cloudy | Partly cloudy | Clear | Clear | Partly cloudy | Thunder- storms |
91° | 69° | 95° | 76° | 96° | 74° | 97° | 75° | 96° | 75° |
- | - | - | - | 0% Chance of 0.00 in |
- | 10% Chance of 0.00 in |
- | 10% Chance of 0.00 in |
40% Chance of 0.04 in |
12 mph SW |
23 mph SSW |
23 mph S |
17 mph SSW |
20 mph S |
Date | Forecast | icon | Humidity | Rain | Wind | |
Friday 9 June |
Mostly sunny | 91° | 38% | Winds SW 10 to 15 mph |
Friday Night | Clear skies | 69° | Winds S 10 to 15 mph |
Saturday 10 June |
Sunny and windy | 95° | 50% | Winds SSW 20 to 30 mph |
Saturday Night | A few clouds | 76° | Winds SSW 15 to 25 mph |
Sunday 11 June |
Sunny | 96° | 50% | High 96F 0.00 in |
Near record high temper ures |
Sunday Night | A mostly clear sky | 74° | Winds S 20 to 30 mph |
Monday 12 June |
Mostly sunny | 97° | 50% | Winds SSW at 15 to 25 mph 0.00 in |
High 97F | |
Monday Night | Clear skies | 75° | Winds S 10 to 20 mph |
Tuesday 13 June |
Mostly sunny skies | 96° | 50% | Winds S at 20 to 30 mph 0.00 in |
High 96F | |
Tuesday Night | Partly cloudy skies early | 75° | Winds S at 15 to 25 mph 0.04 in |
Low near 75F | ||
Wednesday 14 June |
Partly cloudy with afternoon showers or thunderstorms | 91° | 54% | Chance of rain 50% 0.05 in |
Winds SSW 15 to 25 mph |
Wednesday Night | Clear skies | 66° | Winds WSW 10 to 15 mph |
Thursday 15 June |
Sunny skies | 94° | 36% | Winds WNW 10 to 15 mph |
Thursday Night | Partly cloudy | 67° | Winds S 5 to 10 mph |
Friday 16 June |
A few showers early in the day | 91° | 42% | Winds SSW at 10 to 20 mph 0.06 in |
High 91F | |
Friday Night | Scattered thunderstorms in the evening, then variable clouds overnight with more showers at times | 66° | Chance of rain 40% 0.19 in |
Winds S 10 to 15 mph |
Saturday 17 June |
Intervals of clouds and sunshine | 90° | 45% | Winds W 10 to 15 mph |
Saturday Night | A few clouds from time to time | 66° | Winds WNW 5 to 10 mph |
Sunday 18 June |
Overcast with rain showers at times | 90° | 43% | Chance of rain 50% 0.12 in |
Winds W 10 to 15 mph |
Sunday Night | A few clouds from time to time | 66° | Winds WSW 5 to 10 mph |
Weather forecast by WeatherUnderground |
Depth in in |
Moisture - cb | Temperature - °F | ||||||
Min | Max | Actual | Grow conditions | Actual | Max | Min | ||
4 | 31 | 35 | 31 |
Irrigation desired
(26 - 61cb) |
Ideal growth
(70 - 100°F) |
70 | 75 | 70 |
12 | 9 | 9 | 9 |
(0 - 11cb) |
Optimal growth
(60 - 70°F) |
69 | 70 | 69 |
24 | 15 | 15 | 15 |
(11 - 26cb) |
Ideal growth
(70 - 100°F) |
74 | 77 | 74 |
36 | 7 | 7 | 7 |
(0 - 11cb) |
Optimal growth
(60 - 70°F) |
69 | 69 | 69 |